Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Aubrey's Birth Story

Considering Aubrey is almost 7 months old now, I figured it would be a good time to finally write down her birth story.  Thanks to my wonderful nurse and good friend Brittany, I have most of the important times from the day written down.  This is a good thing since it's already such a blur!

The "birth story" started on Wednesday, May 15th.  I was 40.4 weeks and had my routine OB appointment that day.  Everything looked great at the appointment!  Aubrey was healthy and I was feeling wonderful.  Possibly too wonderful... Technically past my due date (which I know doesn't mean anything anyway) but I was not having any contractions or signs of labor.  I had been walking, tried acupuncture, ate pineapple, bounced on a ball... all the old wives tales that were supposed to start labor naturally, and no signs of activity.  I wasn't concerned at all and kept thinking "she'll come when she's ready".  Well the glitch in my plan came when my OB told me she was on call the next day (Thursday the 16th) and then again the Friday of next week (the 24th).  So, if Aubrey wasn't coming on her own and I wanted to schedule an induction, I would have to do it the next day or wait until I was 41.6 weeks.  Talk about one of the most stressful decision I've ever made!!  I am a HUGE supporter of waiting to go into labor on your own... I believe it is better for the progression of labor and decreases chances of having a c-section.  But, the downside of working in Labor & Delivery is that I also know the risks of going to 42 weeks.  So, after a lot of discussion with Josh, family, and coworkers, and a lot of time in prayer, we decided to put me "on the books" for an induction the next day.  My OB also stripped my membranes in the office, in hopes it would stir something up that night.

We had an uneventful night, so at 0500 on Thursday, May 16th we woke up and loaded up our bags for the trip to the hospital.  We were going to have a baby today!!  My amazing nurse who I mentioned earlier, Brittany, was there with everything set up and ready to go for my induction.  I had requested to induce with the breast pump, instead of pitocin.  The idea is that pumping will release natural oxytocin to stimulate labor, rather than using the synthetic medication.  So at 0709, we started pumping.  I had such a great environment and support group around me.  My coworkers were in and out checking on me in the early hours while I was pumping.  My family (mom, dad, and sister) drove in from TN to be there with us.  Everything was going great and the day was flying by.  At 1123, I was 4 cm dilated.

At that point, I chose to stop pumping and walk the halls for a while hoping that my contractions would continue on their own.  I walked around the unit until about 12 and could tell that my contractions were fizzling out.  I was so bummed, but didn't want to lose momentum so we started pumping again at 12:00.  At 1330, I was 4.5cm/65/-2.  To me as the patient, that seemed like great progress!  To me as a nurse, I knew that we were getting into the afternoon hours and I still was not in "active" labor... My cervix was still fairly thick and Aubrey was still high. I was uncomfortable, but I knew that my contractions would have to get much stronger in order to have this baby.  So, after another one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, we started pitocin at 1610.  One of the reasons this was such a hard decision was because if you get pitocin at any point during labor, you cannot use the labor tub, and I had my heart set on using water to cope with the pain.  Another reason is because I wanted to have as little intervention as possible.  However, Brittany was amazing and started the pit on the lowest dose possible and increased it slowly, making sure that Aubrey and I were both tolerating it well.  After a couple hours of the pitocin, my water broke on it's own at 1821.  At that point, I was 5cm/70/-2 and had gotten my new nurse for night shift, Daphney (who is the natural guru of the unit :) ).  I continued laboring in the bed for a few more hours.  At 2000, I was 5.5cm/70/-2.  At 2206, I was 6.5/85/-2.  Slowly but surely, I was dilating and my cervix was thinning out more but she was still fairly high.  Let me tell you, these cervical checks were getting uncomfortable!  Finally at 2312, she dropped a little and I was 8cm/90/-1.  At that point, I felt like I HAD to get out of bed to cope with the increasing discomfort.

I got in the shower on the birth ball and boy was that a relief!!!  To move around and get the monitors off my belly was so helpful at that point.  Josh was such an amazing support person the whole time.  He sat outside the shower and sprayed my belly with the shower head while encouraging me through each contraction.  I was transitioning and it had finally gotten to the point where I really felt like I was having to get through each contraction, one at a time.  I had such an amazing support system with me.  My mom and sister would pop in and out every once in a while to check on me.  And my friend Brittany (who had already worked a full 12-hour shift) stayed with me after shift change and until Aubrey was born.  I truly couldn't have done it without the people around me.  Anyway, back to the story...

Daphney checked me at 0103 and I was 8.5/100/0. Yes, it was a new day... it looked like Aubrey's birthday would be the 17th now!  Looking back on it, I can't believe I labored for that long but it FLEW by while I was in the middle of it.  It was getting so painful at this point and I felt like there was nothing I could do to get any bit of comfort or relief.  I remember sitting on the toilet (for some reason, that's a good place to labor) and praying harder than I've ever prayed before that God would give me the strength to do this and the energy to continue this last stretch of labor.  I remember coming back out into the room and trying to find a way to get comfortable through the contractions.  At that point, I said "something's got to give"... I knew I didn't want an epidural or pain meds, I just wanted her OUT!  Daphney asked me which side was the most uncomfortable and I told her laying on my left side was the worst.  So, sure enough she told me to lay on my left side :)  After only a few minutes there, I felt a completely different type of pain.  She checked me at 0230 and I was 10 cm!  Talk about craziness after that!!!  Brittany ran out to the waiting and got my mom and sister for delivery.  They called my OB, the tech and nursery nurse.  Everyone was there for the birthday party!  I felt the overwhelming urge to push and at 0248, our sweet baby girl entered the world.  All 7 lbs 13 oz and 21.5 inches of perfection.  It was a feeling like none other.  I brought this squishy, slippery little baby up to my chest and it was love at first site for me and her daddy.  The rest was a blur... After a few minutes with me, they took her to the warmer to get a quick weight and trim the rest of her cord off.  That's when she heard daddy's voice and was locked into him from that moment!  It was the most precious thing to see.  They brought her right back to me for skin-to-skin and she started nursing right away.  I can't even put into words the rush of adrenaline and emotion I felt.  We were so in awe that God chose us to be parents to this perfect blessing.  Bringing Aubrey Lane into this world was the most amazing experience and I am so thankful to the coworkers, friends, and family who were by our side the whole time!

A lot of people have asked me why I chose to go unmedicated.  First, I will say that I don't believe there is one "right" or "wrong" way to have a baby... as long as mom and baby are healthy and happy.  I do believe that we are slowly losing the experience of birth as a culture, and going unmedicated was a way for me to be fully involved in welcoming Aubrey into the world.  For me, it was my Everest to climb.  Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat.  And God willing, I plan to with all of my children.  But that brings me to my other point... I learned first hand that you have to keep an open mind and be flexible with your birth plan.  Ultimately, He is in control.

So, here are a few of my favorite photos from Aubrey's birth!

Until next time friends!  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Well here's a surprise... I haven't posted in forever again!  BUT I'm giving this another shot.  There is a lot to catch you up on, including my entire pregnancy and the first almost 3 months of our sweet baby's life :)  Oh well...  I'll try to squeeze it all in here!
My pregnancy was amazing... All 40 weeks and 6 days of it.  After the first few weeks of nausea, it was smooth sailing.  I was able to work up to 40 weeks and stayed comfortable up until the end.  Our little stinker stayed super high in my belly the whole time and I think that helped me feel as great as I did. (Although it did take her a while to come down for delivery :)  Here are the pregnancy chalkboard pics I did throughout.

We welcomed our beautiful baby girl into the world on May 17, 2013 at 0248 a.m.  She was a perfect 7# 13 oz and 21.5 inches long.  I think I'll save her birth story for my next post, but here are a few of my favorite photos from her first month.  

First pool experience didn't go so well :)

One Month Summary:
9# 8.9 oz.
22.5 inches
Breastfeeding like a champ
Very alert
Sleeps in a bassinet in mommy and daddy's room 
Loves her swing and bouncy seat

I was blessed with an amazing delivery and easy recovery.  Breastfeeding has gone great so far and she has been such a sweet baby :)  We have been able to travel a lot to visit with grandparents and extended family.  We are having so much fun watching her grow!  Here are some of my favorite photos from her 2nd month.

Two Month Summary:
10 # 12.3 oz.
24 inches
Still breastfeeding great
Loves tubby time and is warming up to the pool
Sleeps for 7-8 hours straight at night
Takes some naps in her "big girl" crib
Hates tummy time but loves to kick and stretch
Smiles on purpose now!

Hopefully I will have some time in the next few days to write out her birth story.  Until then, I have a squishy faced little angel to snuggle with :)

Lots of love from Birmingham 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baby V is in the works!

As most of y'all already know, Josh and I are expecting our first little bundle of joy to join the family in May 2013! (As always, I'm a little late updating this blog)

I am 13 weeks now and starting to feel a lot better than I have been the past few weeks.  We are so excited and looking forward to meeting this little blessing.  I think one of the down sides to working in Labor & Delivery is seeing how difficult getting pregnant and having a baby can be, so I have really learned to let my worries go and know that it is all in God's hands!  

I definitely struggled with nausea starting at about 6 weeks, but I'm starting to get an appetite back and feeling more like myself again.  No baby bump yet, but I can definitely tell that my jeans are starting to get a little snug :)  I'm kind of ready to start showing because now it looks like I just ate too much!  

Here is a peak at our little one @ 11 weeks:

I have another appointment tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to update with another good pic.  Here is my chalkboard pic right after we found out:

I think this is such a cute idea (from Pinterest, of course).  I definitely need to do a better job of taking them weekly!  
That's all for now.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy.  
Lots of love from Birmingham,
McKenzie (and Poppy Seed)



Friday, August 17, 2012

6 months and 51 babies later...

This week marks my 6 month "anniversary" as a Labor & Delivery nurse.  The past 6 months have been filled with a lot of ups & downs, and A LOT of learning.  Every day I'm at the hospital, I learn something new.  It also makes me realize the ridiculous amount of stuff I have left to learn.  But every morning at 4:15, when the rest of the world seems to be paused for the moment, I drive to work in the quiet and the dark.  And as much as I wish I could be sleeping like everyone else, I have found that to be one of my favorite parts of the day.  It has become the opportunity for some serious prayer and reflection time.  It started as prayer time because of the overwhelming anxiety I was having every time I went to work.  Something about being responsible for 2 lives on a daily basis can really make you understanding how much you need God on your side!  Now it has become a time that I really cherish in our busy lives.  I still walk up the hill to the hospital with a pit in my stomach, anxious to see what awaits me for the day... but everyone says the 1st 6 months are the hardest.  I love it so far and have so much fun being with the families every time those squishy little blessings are born :)  I started keeping count of how many deliveries I've been a part of since my 1st one (obviously not including any patient information that could possible be a confidentiality issue :) and I'm up to 51 babies!  That's 51 little lives that I've helped bring into this world... it's pretty cool.  I hope I never lose sight of how awesome it is.  Not to mention, I'm making a lot of great new friends.

On another note... Josh & I made our first big purchase together and finally replaced his Explorer with a new Ford Fusion!  I'm proud of us for saving up and making a responsible decision.  This will help a lot with J's gas expenses too :)

There is seriously something in the water at work... everybody is getting pregnant or trying to get pregnant.  And now that we've been married a year, a lot of people want to know when we'll be working on a Baby V. Right now, we're just enjoying time together and with our 1st baby.. Mr. Kitty :)  But seeing precious-ness like this makes me super excited about the future little punkins.

Until next time,
Lots of love from Birmingham